Create New Module -or- Add Declaration to Module File
The new
command creates a new module file if none exists. If one exists, the command prompts to add an AWS resource, Blazor WebAssembly app, or Lambda function declaration to the module file.
To add a specific declaration directly, use one of the following commands:
--namespace <VALUE>
(optional) Root namespace for project (default: same as app/function name)
Create a new module in an empty folder
Using PowerShell/Bash:
lash new
LambdaSharp CLI (v0.8.1.5) - Create new LambdaSharp module, function, or resource
|=> Enter the module name: My.Module
Created module definition: Module.yml
Done (finished: 12/16/2020 9:38:43 PM; duration: 00:00:03.8781610)
Add a declaration to a module
Using PowerShell/Bash:
lash new
LambdaSharp CLI (v0.8.1.5) - Create new LambdaSharp module, function, or resource
Select declaration to add:
1. AWS Resource
2. Blazor WebAssembly App
3. Lambda Function
|=> Enter a choice: 3
|=> Enter the function name: MyFunction
Select function type:
1. ApiGateway
2. ApiGatewayProxy
3. CustomResource
4. Finalizer
5. Generic
6. Queue
7. Schedule
8. Topic
9. WebSocket
10. WebSocketProxy
|=> Enter a choice: 5
Created project file: MyFunction\MyFunction.csproj
Created function file: MyFunction\Function.cs
Done (finished: 12/16/2020 9:40:48 PM; duration: 00:00:09.3108812)